Storm Chasing

While cooking some dinner on 7/12/2019 I noticed the sky started to darken. There was a storm brewing coming from the north. I am a huge fan of storms and love the rain. I turned off the stove burner right in the middle of cooking and ran into the living grabbed my camera and bag and jumped in my car. I flew down the road towards Bennetts Pier Beach which is only a few miles down the street from my house to set out on my storm adventure. Arriving at the beach I look up and see the amazing storm clouds rolling over the beach and ocean. I grabbed my tripod and camera and started shooting. After spending about 20 minutes on the beach shooting the sky started its torrential downpour and I ran off the beach back to my car. I stayed about 10 more minutes to enjoy the clouds move across the sky and went back home to edit. It was an amazing experience and came away with some amazing photos.
